Secret Plans_ Vol. III _ 40+ Years of Cartoons for Climbers by Tami Knight

Tami Knight

Tami Knight has been drawing cartoons and illustrations about climbing since 1981. Her work is a regular feature in Alpinist Magazine but it has appeared in climbing media all over the world. She was the 2003 recipient of the American Alpine Club literary award. Knight lives in Vancouver, Canada.

Pass it On: Tami Knight, film, 2023, produced by the We Are Well Travelled* Collective, directed by Jen Randall (*yes, ‘traveled’ is spelled with 2 Ls )

Profile of TK in Gripped Magazine by David Smart, Oct 2023

Alpinist podcast ; The Climbing Humor of Tami Knight. This link takes one to the full list of episodes. Control F “tami” gets to the specific episode.

Alpinist Magazine

Alpinist #43 Squamish Profile by Tami Knight

Alpinist #74 Slesse Profile by Tami Knight

Secret Plans_ Vol. III _ 40+ Years of Cartoons for Climbers by Tami Knight(5)
Secret Plans_ Vol. III _ 40+ Years of Cartoons for Climbers by Tami Knight